Optimize Measure & Optimize ROI

Build your strategy by forecasting costs and ROI in your campaigns, and analyze complete program performance across all campaigns, creators, and posts.

Explore ways to effective plan, evaluate, and optimize your strategy:

Campaign Planner Forecast and Benchmark
Campaign Performance

Take the guesswork out of campaign strategy and execution by using historical analysis, predictive forecasting, and real-time measurement to set goals and optimize for successful return on creator investment.

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Expertly plan using
predictive forecasting

Leverage historical data to predict campaign performance and set accurate benchmarks.

Fine tune in-flight campaigns to keep them on track

Track towards your goals and make real-time optimizations to reach your KPIs.

Stay on top of changing

Stay within budget by knowing how much further investment will cost.

Estimate Costs & Budgets Plan Your Budget

Confidently determine your budget by estimating the cost of producing content and negotiate fair rates with your creators.

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  • Base your budget off of past performance Use historical performance analysis to forecast how creators are expected to perform.
  • Plan costs in the context of dollar amounts Calculate the Social Media Value (SMV) to attribute a dollar amount to each metric associated with social media posts.
  • Understand how much to pay creators Establish a baseline cost to inform creator compensation based on your budget and forecasted goals.

Spotlight What is Social Media Value?

A metric that allows marketers to forecast and measure the value of paid creator activations.

SMV is an advanced measurement methodology developed by CreatorIQ that helps influencer marketing teams:

  • Predict and measure the ROI of social engagements by evaluating the cost of achieving the same results using paid ads.
  • Better quantify Return on Creator Spend using real dollar amounts rather than reliance on social media metrics alone.
  • Establish benchmarks and baselines for performance by industry, location, and social platforms.

Enterprise Dashboard Get Clear Insight on Complete
Program Performance

Highlight the success and efficacy of your program and make informed decisions across your organization with the insights you need to understand key takeaways.
Optimize_Enterprise Dashboard

Evaluate performance across all campaigns

Conduct side-by-side comparisons of campaigns, creators, brands, and divisions.

Fine tune your strategy to make the greatest impact

Leverage industry benchmarks to identify your strongest partnerships and strategies.

Use macro-level insights to inform investment decisions

Track performance over time to identify trends, wins, and growth opportunities.

Establish consistent measurement standards

Tailor a custom dashboard to reflect your preferred KPIs across all campaigns, social platforms, and creators.
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Ready to raise the bar on what creators can deliver for your business?