Optimize Report on Program Performance

Demonstrate ROI in reports with a complete view of campaign performance, using customized KPIs and the metrics that matter most.

Explore ways to deftly analyze performance and demonstrate results:

Data-Backed Reports Prove Value with Confidence

Understand and communicate social performance in the context of industry standards, using the metrics best aligned to your goals and outcomes.
  • Get clarity from ANA standards CreatorIQ’s adoption of ANA’s measurement standards reconciles disparate social data, benchmarks, and metrics so you can assess program performance in a meaningful way.
  • Rely on real-time campaign statistics Automatic campaign tracking means all performance metrics are captured and up to date to ensure accurate and consistent reporting.
  • Leverage the most robust social data and metrics available Evaluate using dozens of metrics from in-depth public data and first-party authenticated data.
  • Layer in additional marketing KPIs Easily report using the KPIs tied to performance outcomes, whether paid media reporting or conversion, sales, or commission metrics.

Dynamic Reporting Analyze Complete Campaign Performance

Analyze campaign performance from every angle with an interactive and configurable campaign dashboard.

Report on the metrics that matter

Deliver key insights to stakeholders with your preferred—and even custom—success metrics and KPIs.

Get  dynamic views of your  performance

Configure your dashboard to view performance by social platform, creator, publishing dates, and more.

Establish baselines with benchmarks and trends

Anchor results against your set benchmarks or compare performance over time by creating month over month or quarterly wrap reports.

Branding & Building Showcase Your
Success Visually

Present your results in a visually compelling, branded design that highlights campaign content.
  • Build beautiful reports in half the time Configure the best campaign content and presentation format for your needs using templates, customizable sections, and content blocks.
  • Stay on brand without living in PowerPointPresent aesthetic and automated templates customized to your brand standards.
  • Easily circulate and share reports with anyone Instantly publish, share, or export reports.
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Ready to raise the bar on what creators can deliver for your business?